Must have "About Us" yearly book
I am so excited this new book that I finally made from Shutterfly. It is an "About us" book for the kids of all of the things they are into that given year. The plan is to keep filling it out every New Year's eve and hopefully it will become something that we hold onto for a long time. I did make it for the next 20 years after all ;).
I was really happy with the quality of the book when it arrived and I'm really glad I paid extra to get the nice lay flat pages. I think those will be much easier to draw on and are just so much more pleasant to read and enjoy.

This is the the 10x10 hardcover book with a matte cover with lay flat pages in Modern White. You can select the matte cover and lay flat pages option at the end.

The Shutterfly book design site was fairly intuitive easy to use once I got the hang of a couple of things.
The front page is already the cover and it seemed to be easiest to just use a photo template page there. There are also lots of cute embellishments that you can add like that white swipe and the colored dots.
For the text inside, I added a text box to an empty page and wrote out the questions. Then when that page was fully done, I duplicated it for all of the other pages and updates the names/years. It was really quite easy once I figured that part out!

Hope that you enjoy and have a fun time recording those special milestones together. Can't wait to do our next entries this holiday season!