Easy No Sew Pinata Costume
If you need an adorable and comfy last minute DIY costume, this is the project for you.
This is an easy DIY costume I made in a couple of hours while watching a movie. The best part is that there was absolutely no sewing required!
My 2 year old has been loving pinatas and really enjoyed having one at his birthday recently. I thought it would be great to make something he loves and would recognize...and he absolutely loved it...and actually wore it!
It's comfy and it also held up really well. He wore it to a party, ran around and slid down slides and it still looks perfect.

I used an old t-shirt and shorts for the base. I would suggest using clothes that's on the larger size as they become non-stretchy once you glue on the felt.
I had a bunch of old felt pieces from my past Felt Play Board project. I got them from Michael's in a big pack. You can also get individual sheets in any color for about 30 cents a piece.
I cut the felt into long strips and then cut some ruffles. I used a hot glue gun to glue the top portion of the felt pieces to the shirt starting from the bottom of the shirt and going up. Then I did the same with the shorts. And that's it!

If you're working with felt a lot, I would recommend getting a pair of small sewing scissors. They are nice and sharp, which makes it easy to cut the felt in a clean line. You can of course use whatever scissors you have too.

As you can see, he loved it! :D

Have a Fun and Happy Halloween!